Tuesday, December 7, 2010

On the Third Day of Xmas

My mother gave to me:

Six miniature hats and scarves (ok, I know I should have waited until the 6th day of Xmas, but this was too good to save)
Two tragic ornaments
And a hairy golden bell with a plastic mistletoe toupee

* These miniature hats and scarves came in their original packaging (c 1980), but with no figurines included. So I searched around the house for someone in need of winter clothing:

And they fit perfectly!


  1. Nice save julia! Those are awesome on the yo gabba gabba peeps!

  2. what are the "yo gabba gabba peeps"? how come i don't know about them?

  3. Genius!!! Way to take your mom's kookiness and make it work for you. Those hats and scarves look tailor-made for those yo gabba gabba thingies.
